Wednesday, March 25, 2009

About Love SMS

  • Never doubt someone’s love for you. If you find some imperfections, let it be, if you survived the pain, the happiness is satisfying. Never find the perfect love; coz love without pain is impossible.
  • When love is real, it defies all reason. When love is true, it ignores all pain. When love is great, it waits, it persists, and, it lingers forever.

  • What if you’re not destined with the one you love? What if you’re meant for somebody else? Will you just give up and let destiny rule your heart? Or will you fight and let your heart rule your destiny?
  • Never try to keep a promise to someone, if you cannot make it. It’s better to say goodbye and make her cry than to make her believe with all your lies.
  • When a heart is true there’s no need for words coz even in silence love can be heard, destiny determines who comes into our lives but it’s the heart that decides who stays inside


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